Member Benefits

As a member of ITP you gain access to benefits that can help advance your career and become a more active part of Aotearoa’s IT Community, including mentorship, events and courses, Networking opportunities and direct pathways to engaging with educational and community outreach.

members also have the privilege of accessing an array of exclusive offers on products and services from esteemed ITP Corporate Partners.

What You Gain from an ITP Membership


As a member of ITP, you will have access to events hosted both online and across the country, including regional meetups, workshops, discussions, lectures, and conferences. We strive to use these events as an opportunity to foster a community within our industry.

Career Growth

Your ITP membership gives you the opportunity to continue to upskill through our series of short courses and workshops presented by senior practitioners and some of the best trainers in the industry.


You can also continue your career growth with our Mentorship program which matches you with a senior mentor in your field to help you discover growth areas, gain insights, clarify your path, get valuable feedback, and access support & networking.


ITP also offers two levels of certification which are recognised in New Zealand and abroad and empower members in the industry by providing independent evidence of competence in software and IT.

Community Growth

A core value of ITP is our involvement in the community, This includes opportunities for our members to be a part of our educational programs such as Tech Hub and Tahi Rua Toru Tech, and our mentorship program as a mentor.   

Voice in Local Industry and Government

As Aoteaora's top IT professionals' organization, we champion the digital tech workforce, emphasizing skill development, industry growth, and education alignment. We lead discussions and collaborations between industry, government, and employers.

Te Tūrama - hangarau (technology) Scholarships 

One full scholarship in Networking (Diploma Level 6 - 2021 intake)  Click here for course details

One full scholarship in Diploma in Applied Network & Cloud Technology (Diploma Level 7 - 2021 intake)  Click here for course details

To redeem this offer:

Members who are interested should email the Head of School Karla Malihan ( with the reference ITP Scholarship.  Further details including eligibility criteria will be provided by NZSEG.

Target State

Discount offer for all ITP members:

We offer virtual CTO and on-demand Enterprise Architecture services, helping provide guidance for all technological change.

Offer to ITP Members:

We offer a 15% discount on all engagements for ITP members 

To redeem this offer:

Email and mention you are an ITP member in your enquiry.

Escrow NZ

Escrow NZ provide escrow services for software, research data and documents. Our service is a physical escrow service meaning your escrow material is safe from online risks.  Escrow NZ is NZ's leading Escrow provider and is a wholly owned subsidiary of IT Professionals New Zealand.

Offer to ITP Members:

When setting up a new contract Escrow NZ will waive the set up fees and provide a 20% discount off the first years fee.

To redeem this offer:

Email: and mention you are an ITP member in your enquiry.

Exclusive Offers:

Go Wireless NZ

Offer to ITP Members:

Get 15% off RRP on all products from Go Wireless NZ for ITP members only.

You may be eligible for trade pricing, apply here

Go Wireless NZ supports wholesale and trade discount pricing for companies that sell, install and support IT communications. 

To redeem this offer: 

Visit the GoWireless sign up page here

ITP Discounts

  • ITP Short Courses:

    ITP members receive heavily discounted attendance at ITP's programme of short courses, including public courses and in-house workshops and courses for your organisation.

    Offer to ITP Members:

    Discounted registration for ITP short courses.

    To redeem this offer, check out the ITP short courses page

  • ITP members receive heavily discounted (often free) attendance at ITP events around New Zealand, including discounted attendance at the industry's tech conference ITx.

    Offer to ITP Members:

    Discounted (or free) attendance at ITP events and conferences.

    To redeem this offer:

    Check out the events page

  • ITP offers the Technology Liability package offered through the IT Contractors scheme is purpose-built and tailored to protect the needs of professional IT services.

    Learn More